Saturday, November 9, 2013


WorldCat advanced keyword search for "Melungeon" - 111 results

Note:  I used my own library system's  (CALS) link to WorldCat.  It does not use FirstSearch and so the results varied from the TWU database link which gave 115 keyword results.

CALS link:

TWU link (FirstSearch):

A "subject" search yielded only 5 results:

It was nice for a change to once again find a lot of results so I decided to do some limiting of the keyword search results.  I wanted to look at only nonfiction hits, no fiction so I limited by "content" to "nonfiction."  I still got 105 hits.

Out of curiosity, I then limited to only "archival material" and the hits dropped to 4.

The best hit:  "Becoming Melungeon: making an ethnic identity in the Appalachian South" - Melissa Schrift

A content based thing I learned about my topic:  I was fascinated to read this statement from the 2006 article "What Is a Melungeon?" by Melissa Slate: "Some Melungeons carry distinct physical characteristics that have been handed down through generations. Frequently the presence of an Anatolian bump is noted, being about the size of half of a golf ball and located on the back of the head in the midline just above where the skull and the neck meet. The two front teeth and the two on either side have a ridge on the back near the gum line and also curve outward creating a shovel tooth while the front remains perfectly straight. Some Melungeons have been known to have six fingers or toes."  I knew Melungeons usually have dark skin, Mediterranean features and, often, blue or green eyes but was definitely not aware of these other supposed physical features.

A searching based thing I learned about my topic:  I honestly didn't learn any searching tips that were new to me with WorldCat.  I have used it extensively over the last several years doing reference work in public libraries and have pretty much experienced all it has to offer search-wise.  I

The searching process:   I continue to love this database, though, and the way it so easily breaks down the types of materials by format and content (down the left side of the screen).  It makes it so very simple to select exactly what you are looking for.  The searching process with WorldCat is always a pleasure full of helpful results that can usually be fairly easily obtained for reading.

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