Sunday, November 10, 2013

Image database - Google Images

Google Images - initial search for"Melungeon"

Some of my favorite (top/best) images:

A typical Melungeon family:

Probably the most famous face of the Melungeon group:

A photo of a couple members of the Brass Ankles group in South Carolina - another tri-racial isolate group I have been researching this semester:

A photo with a mention not only of Melungeons but also the Guineas of West Virginia, another tri-racial isolate group I've been reading about this semester:

And, finally, yet another tri-racial isolate group, the Lumbee Indians of North Carolina:

One content based thing I learned:  I was amazed at how many different web pages I found discussing various tri-racial isolate groups.  A click on an interesting image led to a click to see the page it came from which led to more and more information - including personal narratives - about these groups.

One searching item/tip I learned:  I really didn't learn anything new or different here.  I've been using Google Images since there's been a Google Images and - just like regular Google search - it's very basic, easy and user friendly to use.

Search process:  Very quick, easy, interesting and fun!

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