Sunday, November 10, 2013

LexisNexis Searching

LexisNexis "easy search" and "search the news" - 40 results

A natural language, advanced search for "Melungeon" in major world publications yielded exactly the same 40 results.

By clicking the "news" tab on the left side of the screen, I got a pop-up menu that contained the option "blogs and videos."  By searching "all blogs" for "Melungeon," I narrowed the results to 24.

I further narrowed the results by searching "all blogs" for "Melungeon" AND "Appalachia" - 4 hits

Best hit:  "Not black or white, but a breed apart" - Andrew Marshall

One content based thing I learned:  From the "best hit" article directly above: "Some claim Abraham Lincoln, Elvis Presley and Ava Gardner as fellow Melungeons; there may be as many as 200,000 people who can trace their heritage to the group.  And the Melungeons are by no means the only mixed community in America: others include...the Turks of South Carolina."  When I began this search project, I kept seeing photos of Abraham Lincoln among my search results for Melungeons.  This is the first I had read of people believing him to be of Melungeon ancestry.  I did not know as many as 200,000 could possibly be Melungeons and, in all my research that included all the other tri-racial isolate groups I've mentioned previously on this blog, I had never heard about or read of "the Turks of South Carolina."

One searching item/tip:  The "add index terms" part of the search page was new to me.  The selections of "company" and "industry" are not limiters I've seen on most other database search pages.

Search process:  Though I didn't find any results for my topic in the legal cases section of this site, I thoroughly enjoyed searching it for the lab assignment.  Being able to read all the transcripts of state and federal court cases was very informative and enjoyable for me.  What a great way to learn about legal cases - getting to read them word for word!

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