Saturday, November 9, 2013

PubMed Searching

PubMed Search for "Melungeon" - 1 result:  "A Glance At Appalachia" by C.Newell-Withrow
PubMed Search for "Melungeons" - 0 results.

I searched for "tri-racial" and "tri-racial isolate" as well as the other specific names for the tri-racial isolate groups I have previously mentioned (Brass Ankles, Lumbee Indians, Red Bones, etc.) and the only search that garnered any results was "tri-racial."  Though none of the results were specifically about Melungeons or the other named groups, I thought I should show the results page as I did get 13 and they seemed to be interesting reading.

Best hit:  The only hit, of course!

Content-based thing I learned from an article in this database:  I only received one search result and there was only a brief abstract provided.  I did not learn any new information about my topic from this particular database as no full-text articles on it were found here.

Searching item/tip learned from this type of database:  Though I had no success with finding articles about my chosen subject here, I did explore the various links under "Using PubMed."  Under "how to get the journal article," I was able to view a YouTube tutorial on obtaining the full-text articles from this site as they are not included and a link must be followed to view them.

The searching process:  I didn't get much searching experience here based on the dearth of information about my topic but, as stated above, I did explore several of the "Using PubMed" links.   Animated tutorials and webcasts are provided and I had never really used a database that offered these specific extra features.  I wish I had found some results so that the use of these links would have applied more to my specific experience.

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